Finding Faith, Losing Sleep Podcast
Finding Faith, Losing Sleep Podcast
Episode 17: Exploring Echoes of Eden: Genesis in Today's World
Ever wondered how millennia-old words from the Bible's Genesis continue to influence and resonate with us today? We've got you covered! We take a deep dive into the profound complexities of Genesis, unearthing powerful insights about Jesus' presence at the start, Lucifer's role in the Garden of Eden, and the purpose of the Tree of Knowledge. We unravel these ancient narratives and how they tie into our modern lives, splicing through the heart of their timeless wisdom.
In an open chat, we candidly share our parenting experiences, drawing interesting parallels with God's parenting style with Adam and Eve. We also discuss the intriguing facets of creation stories and Jesus' lineage, and how they shape our worldview. We recognize that even in abundance, humans tend to seek for something more - a trait that was probably at play in Eden. Buckle up for an introspective journey that takes us back to the roots of our faith and existence.
As we wrap up, we express heartfelt gratitude for our listeners and their supportive feedback. We're stoked to foster a space where diverse opinions are not just tolerated but cherished. Feel free to ping us on Twitter, Facebook, or email - we'd love to hear your thoughts! And remember, if you extend a prayer for us, be assured that we are praying for you, too. So, ready to delve into Genesis and see how it reverberates in your life today? Let's jump right in!
Email: findingfaith.losingsleep@gmail.com
Twitter: @FindingFaithPod
It's time to wake up and pray up here on the Finding Faith and Losing Sleep podcast, episode 17. In the beginning Again, I think number two, I don't know we're doing A and B, maybe C, I don't know. It takes a little while to do the beginning of the creation of the world. I mean, god did it in six days. We might have to take six podcasts to do this, pierre.
Speaker 2:You might. I mean, and I didn't use that title, so it's even funnier that you're still in the beginning. Either way, yeah, we're not going to rush, you know, through Genesis, the first book, and it's an important book.
Speaker 3:And you didn't scare me this time, wes, so that's good.
Speaker 1:How did I scare you last time? I don't remember In the beginning.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I knew you always do it, but for some reason last time it just startled me Because we had like a little silence before we actually jump in and I think just the moment that you jump and then start over.
Speaker 1:I think the beginning of the podcast. You know the moment of silence beforehand. I use that as my meditation time. You know what I mean. Like you know that eight or 10 seconds I meditate like really hard right, really hard, right off the bat, and that way I get my mind and my stability for the podcast right there. I'm nice and centered for it.
Speaker 2:I don't, I just, I just wait. I just wait for the intro, and ready to roll some pretty quick centering.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, listen, I just make stuff up as I go, I don't know. Hey, that's Michelle who just got done talking the female voice on this podcast. You can find her on Twitter at go pack go. The other male voice, the one that has the golden tones on the other end of this microphone, I guess it is. It is her husband, his name is Pierre, at Pee Wee 31 over on Twitter.
Speaker 1:He is also the executive producer of this podcast, so any kind of complaints about the producing of the show, it goes directly to him. Any kind of compliments goes directly to me. I am West, easily at low for it over on Twitter. If you find the show a little bit amusing, a little bit fun, maybe that is my responsibility. I don't know what I bring to the podcast Y'all. We just all bring it really nice and hard because we are just some average, normal, everyday people trying to work out life a little bit. That's why we call it the finding faith, losing sleep podcast, because these are topics that keep people up late at night, because they're trying to figure it out, and we are just trying to address different topics, to just talk about them from three different perspectives, from three different angles, and we hope to do it in a way that is pleasing to the ears.
Speaker 2:That's it. We just kind of share our own perspective and just kind of talk through some tough topics and some not so tough topics and glad that we have listeners and just speaking of, we had a Paul Bruce 45, reach out with a nice review. Subject line solid. You said solid, which I always enjoy, a good solid. I love this podcast and the people who host it. They have taught me so much and encouraged me to think through hard stuff in just a little time into the podcast. Your genuine friendship and banter while a start contrast sometimes the serious topics you're talking about at a level authenticity that I enjoy. Keep doing what you're doing. So, Paul, thank you for that. We're going to keep doing what we're doing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, yeah, thank you, Paul. I appreciate that, and we ask you to leave a review. We love to hear from you. We always ask you at the end of the podcast. If you pray for us, we'll pray for you. We kind of say that a little bit at the end of the podcast and we do mean that. I sincerely do. I pray for the listeners. I pray for the listeners. I pray for the talkers too as well, pierre and Michelle, but I hope the message gets out there that we can talk about these things that are controversial. And look, the last episode that we had, we were talked about Genesis, chapter one, and their own kind and stuff. I don't know that we necessarily agreed with each other on those things, but we said a lot of things that needed to be said and, I think, a lot of things that need to be talked about and a lot of things that need to be heard.
Speaker 3:Well, and isn't that kind of the purpose of this? We don't all agree in general as a society, so I think it's important for us to know that you can agree to disagree and still be friends and still care about people, and it doesn't have to be hey, shame on you because you don't agree with me on this. Everybody's going to have to atone for themselves in the end. It's not going to be a group hearing, so I think what's important, though, is that we really just do our best to try to understand where people are coming from, and maybe are and see things a different way sometimes.
Speaker 1:So you know, what I love about the Bible is that it is talked about in the book of Hebrews that the Bible is living in, active and sharp with any two-edged sword able to pierce bone and mirror all the way to the heart. And so it is living and active. And we just talked about Genesis, chapter one. Last week, pierre and we got to talking about different things that were going on in society today, and I don't want to say that. You can take context, you could twist it up a little bit and you can make it say whatever you want it to say, to say whatever you want to say about what's going on in the world today. But I think it actually was applicable and this is a book and especially Genesis, thousands of years ago, 5,000, 6,000 years ago.
Speaker 1:However, you want to debate all that. It was written such a long time ago, but it is still applicable today which talks about the longevity of the Bible, but also the longevity of God's Word. People say it gets old. People say you know that's an old book. It doesn't apply to me. You know that kind of stuff. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Maybe you're in denial, maybe you haven't read it a lot, maybe you haven't had an open heart or an open brain whenever you've read it, but it is something that I think it's very applicable to today, just as it was yesterday, pierre.
Speaker 2:I agree. I think that's part of the reason why we kind of talk through you know some of these subjects and try to relate it to today. We don't know the context and you can read other books, you can read historical books, you can watch films, movies, whatever you want to do to try to get an idea of the context of the world. You know back then, but even so, like it's living and breathing into today's society and that's what we're talking through. And I know, like you said, our last episode was some touchy topics but in all honesty, looking at the first seven days of each episode we put out, the last one's probably been the most popular one that we've had Quite a few listens and downloads, which you know I think just kind of brings up the point that these are some topics that folks are thinking about and wanting to hear opinions on and it's good to talk through with it and then still come back, you know, a week later and we're still friends and we're still conversing and talking about new subjects.
Speaker 1:So we're not canceled on anything.
Speaker 2:Ah, yeah.
Speaker 1:Well, give us time. Give us time. No, no, no, hey, but go back and listen to all those different podcasts. I think they're all organic, they all have staying power. There wasn't anything that was necessarily socially relevant at the time, because I think all these topics continue to go on in society right now, and what they were doing at that time as well. So you can go back, you can listen to those. But we do appreciate the comments, the likes, the stars, all those things, not for us, but just for the program to be able to get out there into more years, to be able to hopefully edify other people. We aren't making a dollar, we aren't making a jot or a tittle. No, I think jot and tittle is like where you dot your eyes across your t's. What would it be? A denera? Is that a biblical?
Speaker 2:I don't know. I got worried when you started saying the other one.
Speaker 1:You said tittle. You don't say tittle, I'm just saying tittle His face. He said tittle. Jesus said that we're calling jot and tittle.
Speaker 1:Jesus said that jot and tittle, and now you got me giggling about it. It's just crossing your eyes, and crossing your t's is basically what that means. But we're not getting any money, we're not getting any denera or anything like that from anything. So this is all for us, it's for you, it's for us to be able to talk about this stuff. It's a little Bible study that Pierre, michelle and I do and we just have made it public to everybody Speaking about Bible studies.
Speaker 1:We were in Genesis, chapter one, last week and we kind of left off there where God made plants and he said to go ahead after their own kind and to multiply on earth and just start filling up the earth. He does the same thing there, as he goes on not only with plants but with animals as well. Then he made the two great lights, pierre and Michelle. He made the two great lights like they're in verse 15. We're just going to zoom through this part a little bit, where he made the sun and the moon and the lesser to separate them. Then God saw it was all good and he made the lesser one to govern the night and the greater one to govern the days. We see the sun and moon get put there. Then God said the water is streaming with new living creatures and let birds fly above the earth. God created sea monsters and every living creature that moves sea monsters. Loch Ness monster right there. Is that what he's talking about, loch Ness monster? You reckon?
Speaker 2:I think it's a little everything. Well, sharks, they're all technically your sea type monsters, octopus.
Speaker 1:No, I'm serious, they are weird. You ever go down. You ever see that stuff that goes way down there under the sea. We could explore in the sea a long time ago, really down deep. They stopped doing some of those things where there was super deep sea exploration because it was dangerous. They decided to go the other way, go up to the moon. I think it's what they did.
Speaker 2:You saw the Titanic thing that happened. The other tragedy they tried, and more tragically, Well, what is it?
Speaker 3:The Mariana trench? I just saw something I think it was the Mariana trench last night about some of the creatures in the deep that are just only there, really, that we don't even know about that stuff's crazy.
Speaker 1:Like an octopus is just a crazy looking thing. The way it can shrink down and go through a tube and you look at it. It's really big, it's got the eight arms. It takes up a bunch of space until it doesn't want to. Then it gets real skinny and just goes through a little bit of old tube and you're like where the world is. That thing made out of Crazy. I wish I could get. I need that in my waistline just so I can get my belt and pants on a little bit better sometimes Get my pants on Tiddles and waistlines.
Speaker 1:Is that the title of this show?
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:AI, the person that you put in charge of title in the show. Pierre might call it Tiddles and waistlines.
Speaker 2:It'll show up in the tag notes. I'm sure it's the amount of time you said it at this point.
Speaker 1:I did it on purpose that last time God made the beasts of the earth as well to multiply after their kind. He made the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground and every creeping thing, and he saw that it was good. Then, in verse 26, is where it gets a little bit saucy again. Then God said let us make man in our own image, according to our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. God created man in his own image, in the image of God. He created him Male and female. He created them.
Speaker 1:You notice there in verse 26, we talked about what Genesis 1.3, I think, where we saw where God was there, and when I talked about it being the word Elohim, which is a plurality word back in the Hebrew, it kind of means that there was more than one thing there. Then you see God in verse 26. He said let us make man in our image, right, and so we're just assuming I guess that maybe that's how we've been taught a little bit that that's the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, right, guys?
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's how I take it. I find it even interesting the next part with the, and let him have rule over the fish, the sea, the birds, the air, the cattle and all things basically on the earth, which I'll dive into a theory here a little bit on why I find that part to be unique.
Speaker 1:You're going to leave us all right. Well, fine, leave us hanging like that, I'll look forward to it. I like a little mystery and the reason why we say we saw the Spirit in Genesis, chapter one or earlier, and then we talk about the Father, the Creator and all those that kind of person, but also we talk about Jesus being there too, the word, because over in John, chapter one, verse one, it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. He was in the beginning with God and all things came into being by him and apart from him, nothing came into being that has come into being. So we put that. You know, he helped create everything with the word and we see Jesus being referred to as the word many times throughout the scripture, but definitely by John towards the end of that apostolic era I guess towards the end of the hundred years there after Jesus was born, that he gave credit to Jesus being all the way there at the beginning.
Speaker 2:Well, you have to think, like John, who called himself the one that Jesus loved, would have just kind of witnessed so much, and so you see a lot of the I Ams as well throughout the Bible. I think part of that goes into the whole the word and the word being Jesus itself. And John just kind of had a different perspective with that. Again, going back in the context of what he would have witnessed. I thought it was a really unique way of him to start off. You know that gospel. You know a little differently than some of the others.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and there was definitely. It feels like there was intent to go all the way back to the beginning of Genesis. You know he knew what Genesis said, so I think at that time he wanted to give credit and attribution to Jesus being back there at the same time too, to help people understand it a little bit, I may be reading into it a little bit much there, but I don't think so. So yeah, anyway now. So go ahead. Go ahead with your theory, pierre.
Speaker 2:So I won't go into just yet. So you talk about, you know, being made in their image. So when you think about, for example and this is a question I'll toss at both of you when you think about anger, is that, that raft and anger, a part of God's image? That we have ourselves and our own anger and emotions?
Speaker 1:I'll say yes, I think so, I think so.
Speaker 2:Okay, so we've seen it throughout. But you talk about his creation and I'll kind of dive in and I'll say that this kind of goes into chapter two some. Because on the seventh day, you know, god came to the end of his work and he took a rest and at that point with me I feel like that's just that one moment in time where we're doing what we expect to do in heaven and that's just living with God in peace, where he's just he doesn't have to work anymore, it's all good. So he takes his rest. But shortly after that, you know, obviously a creature is going to come into the mix. You know what creature I'm referring to.
Speaker 1:The woman, the serpent.
Speaker 2:I'm referring to the serpent.
Speaker 3:Don't you dare say that's the same one.
Speaker 2:The woman, and so my thoughts here and again. This is just one of my theories. So God created man and woman. So we have this feeling of God's all knowing, and I know one of the questions that comes up is if he was all knowing, why would the serpent be in the garden? What are your thoughts on that?
Speaker 1:with and why you throw it to me first.
Speaker 2:Because you always throw it to us, and now it's my turn to pay you back.
Speaker 1:All right. So what was the question again, why was? Why did the serpent end up there? Okay, we haven't gone that far yet, but I'm fine with jumping ahead to that a little bit, because I started trying to put myself in God's place. Okay, don't get that, don't twist my words whenever I say that, but I'm just saying from a fatherly standpoint. I'm trying to understand him a little bit more and as a father myself, I'm like okay, what am I doing here? What am I trying to?
Speaker 1:I question all of my motives as a father, sometimes like, okay, am I doing this right, am I doing this wrong or whatever you know? But what is my purpose? What is my goal? And I know I've said before to you guys that one of my goals as a dad is to protect my children's innocence for as long as possible. Right, so I want to try to make my home a safe place for them. I'm trying to make my home a place where they can live without being afraid. No, fear, no, anything. Right, so it's a safe haven. And so I'm trying to do that.
Speaker 1:And I thought about that. I went huh, maybe that's what God was trying to do with the Garden of Eden. Right, it's the safe place. It's the place where nothing can hurt you, nothing can harm you, and but, at the same time, no matter how hard you try, now look, god can do all things Right. God can do all things and he allows things to happen as well. And no matter how hard I try, there's still things that infiltrate my protective area that I try for my children. There are still things that are going to come in there and going to harm them, that are trying to pull them away from what I want them to do for their own good. And so I started thinking about that a little bit.
Speaker 1:And then we got all these little. You know, where did Satan come from? Where did the devil come from? We got some biblical things where it talks about Lucifer falling from the sky, jesus seeing Satan fall from the heavens like a star, and then we even see Jacob's ladder, where we got angels going up and down this ladder from the earth to heaven, from the earth to heaven. And I'm sitting there thinking about those things. I'm going, wow, there's a lot of stuff going on, right. We may not be able to know or may not be able to see.
Speaker 1:Then, if you go back into like a Mormon religion of what they believe from the there was like a grand council meeting. They think there was a grand council meeting up in heaven between all the angels and Lucifer was up there and Jesus was up there and they basically split all the angels down the middle and Satan got those angels and Jesus got other angels. It's really kind of wild whenever you think about it. But then you read the book of Job and you got Satan coming to and fro on earth, with him going back and visiting God at some point and reporting to him and God allowing him to do things.
Speaker 1:So maybe we don't know the entire story of what happened in the book of Genesis and the Garden of Eden. Maybe we're not told everything. Because you know, if I'm kind of drawing some conclusions of Satan's power and what he has, what he is able to do, god allows him to do some things to for whatever reason. I don't know those reasons other than for us to be able to learn from that example to try to not repeat the same things that hurt others. That's what I think.
Speaker 2:Well, my theory kind of ties into that some. So I know you talked about being a father yourself and wanting to protect, you know, your kids as long as much as possible. So if you have a new creation, let's say your child, would you leave your child alone with a snake or serpent?
Speaker 3:No no.
Speaker 2:Who would you leave your child alone with? Who are the people you tend to leave your child alone with?
Speaker 1:Yeah, somebody I trust.
Speaker 2:Yeah, family, somebody I trust. And when you look at the history of Lucifer, he was like God's right hand angel. And so my theory, if you just think about it again, just a theory, so don't come write me about me being alone but if you're going to have a new creation, you will want to protect them. Who better to protect them than your right hand man? And so my thoughts are that, you know, perhaps, just as you know, god left cherubips, you know, there to protect the tree of life once Adam and Eve got exiled.
Speaker 2:Maybe Lucifer was there to look over Adam and Eve and, you know, protect them, be their protector. You know, whenever you know, god was, you know, doing, building, creating other things. He sent his right hand person to take care of Adam and Eve. But instead, you know, lucifer had other ideas. And what jumped out to me was that that verse 26 that we read that said you know, god, let us make man and he made man of the image like us. Let him rule over all the fish of the sea, over the birds to the air, over the cattle, over all the earth and every living thing which was flat on the earth. And what did Lucifer want more than anything?
Speaker 1:Control. Is that what?
Speaker 2:Exactly so. If you're wanting this, you're you're considered God's right hand man. You're wanting power, you're wanting control and all of a sudden, you're watching and he makes a new creation in his image and he gives them all the power and all the control. How's that going to make you feel?
Speaker 3:Jealous.
Speaker 2:Yeah Right, I know there's not a to me there's no pinpoint time on when the whole Lucifer young falls from heaven piece Even when you read it, but I believe it's I don't know if it's King that kind of talks about. You know him being in the garden and that's just my theory. I think he was there initially to be a protector of Adam and Eve and he allowed his jealousy for them being given control of the earth instead of himself to cause them, to cause him to basically have them turn on God, which in turn gave him that power of the earth that he was longing for the whole time.
Speaker 1:I love thinking outside the box, I love that kind of stuff. And up here you're going to be the first one to admit it, because I'll admit it, I'll admit it right now we don't have book chapter and verse for that. You don't have book chapter and verse for that. You're looking at the situation and kind of trying to connect the dots a little bit and do it. I think that's cool. I love to think like that, I love to think outside of the box. But but please, guys, we, we aren't saying this is what happened, we are speculating a little bit here, pierre, speculated I first time I ever heard it. I love that kind of thought because I like to have an open mind, open dialogue, to be able to think about these things, because I think we need that kind of stuff to be able to just put it together.
Speaker 1:But we can't go. This is book chapter verse. We can't turn to Genesis, whatever, just to put that together. But man, that's, that's a good theory, pierre. I like that theory. See, I thought you were just going to say when he made us, when he made man in our likeness, separating them from the beast of the field and from the fish of the air, a fish, fish in the water and the sea, and then the well birds in the air. I thought you were just going to talk about soul. I thought that he gave him a soul that that's going to last eternally, that, like God was because we don't see never, ever, any animals kind of getting that spirit or that soul or anything. I think that's that's where you were going with that, but I was wrong.
Speaker 2:You are, you are. And I mean again, that's just something that's kept me up, personally, like thinking like why would, why would that serpent even be there? Like what, what is the intent of the creator of the universe putting evil right there with his, his new creation that he loves? And I got to thinking like what would I do with my daughter? Like when I put her, you know, just out with evil, you know knowingly knowing there was evil.
Speaker 2:And I was like no, I would. I would put her with someone I trust. And you know, as we've seen throughout you know history with different people, there's people that you trust, that you know turn their back on you or do something evil. And that just added up to me on a possibility that could have taken place.
Speaker 3:He's not lying, he really this really has kept him awake a lot Like. I'll know this because we've talked about it a lot.
Speaker 1:But then you think about that too, michelle, about what Pierre is talking about. I would explain why. God, not only. You know he punished Satan right off the bat. You know he made a mistake, right. Just just, bam just made him into something that's going to crawl around on his belly for the rest of his days, right? And then he went to the woman, then he went to the man to punish all those in that order. But you know, just just thinking about how he punished them all, this would kind of go to man.
Speaker 2:You turned your back on me, so I'm a dirty little snake, you know right and again, you read different pieces of the Bible about Satan's fall, but it doesn't pinpoint exactly when that took place, and so that's just again. Thoughts Losing sleep. That's, that's part of. I've lost sleep on that plenty of time.
Speaker 1:No, I get it. Hey, let's fast forward. Well, I guess we're hitting rewind now because we are at the end of chapter three a little bit. We might cover up a little, cover a little bit more there.
Speaker 1:But if we go to maybe the end of chapter two where it talks about maybe verse 20, man gave names to all the cattle, all the birds, the sky and every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and he took one of the ribs and closed up the flesh in that place. And the Lord God fashioned a woman out of the rib which he had taken from the man and brought her to the man. And the man said this is now bone on my bones, flesh on my flesh. We shall be, as she shall be, called, woman because she was taken out of man. And for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, shall cleave to his wife and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and their jots and tiddles were not covered and they were not ashamed. That's right.
Speaker 2:That's right. So another question that pops up here. So you have that at the end of Genesis too, right? So who are the man and the woman in the image in Genesis one 26, or I guess it wasn't 26, it was what?
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, why did they say that one thing in Genesis one and Genesis two? Best I understand, it's just like a little deeper dive into what happened in Genesis one. You know what I mean? Like they're just kind of backtracking a little bit and explaining it a little bit further of where women came from and everything. I think that's what it is.
Speaker 2:I'm curious I know Michelle gets caught up like are there more than one? You know, more than just Adam and Eve? Clearly at some point there had to be more humans around, just based off the story. Again, I'm not going to jump ahead again, but move for thought on it being mentioned twice there Now and I do think that too.
Speaker 1:I think that we might as well talk about that now as well. I believe there's more than just what we're told about this. I've always been told, and it makes a lot of sense, that we're really just trying to find Jesus is lineage in all of this. Right, it's the crimson thread woven through the silver pages of the Bible. Is what really is being done here?
Speaker 1:Throughout the entire Bible we get to see Jesus' story laid out for us as we turn over from Genesis, chapter one, all the way to the end in the book of Revelations. So we get to see that Just because we don't get told everything doesn't mean it discredits the Bible. God's telling us what he wants us to know for a specific reason. Right, if you buy an English dictionary, it tells you all the English words, but it doesn't tell you all the Spanish words, and we know there's a Spanish language out there, a French language out there. Just because we don't have that all included in Webster's dictionary doesn't mean that there aren't other words or languages out there. And just because we're not told everything, maybe from the Bible and we have some questions about things, it doesn't invalidate what is already written in there for us to know.
Speaker 3:That's true and that's an excellent point, Wes, and I needed you here to tell me that when Pierre and I were discussing this, because I was all upset, I'm like I don't even understand. But that's an excellent point in perspective because for me, like sometimes I get bogged down in the details and I want to understand it all and why isn't this here? But if you think about it, I mean that's life right. If we're telling somebody a story, like my friends and family will tell you. I probably tell too many details, but we do leave things out, but it doesn't mean they didn't happen. So it's an excellent perspective, Thank you.
Speaker 1:Wes, hey, you're welcome, that's what I'm here for. But also, so let's say, god created Jesus' lineage. Right here Starts Adam and Eve, right, bam, right there, jesus' lineage. And we started another lineage somewhere else and we're just not told about that, because the redemption of man comes through Jesus' lineage and that's the important one, right? So that's what he's going to concentrate on and that's what he's going to tell us about and that's where we get going in all the creation kind of details. That doesn't mean he created things any differently than anything else, and maybe Adam and Eve were the very first people. So it's not out of context necessarily in all those things. But I just I wonder that too sometimes, like hold on a second, Everybody came from Adam and Eve. Hold on a second, everybody came from Noah.
Speaker 1:Hold on a second here.
Speaker 1:Right, you know and you start thinking yeah, wait a minute, who did Adam and Eve's sons marry their sisters? You know. So there's a lot of things that go on there and we get to Genesis, chapter six. We're going to really open up a big can of worms when it comes to all that stuff, but you know so. So, yes, I think it's okay to think outside the box. But just remember, whenever we think outside the box and we try to find these answers to things, that's always remember our thoughts are not book chapter verse. It's fun to think about, it's fun to speculate on. From my opinion, in my opinion it is. But let's not take them as the be all and end all, because they're not book chapter verse. And maybe, if I ever write a book, maybe I can put chapters of verses in there so I can have a less chapter six, verse three.
Speaker 2:Yeah, less chapter one in the beginning.
Speaker 3:Less chapter two. You're Dianne.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't have a lot to say, all right, so, no, no, no, you're good, and I love what Adam said, whatever he's. You know the name that he gave to his wife, because it was probably the first things he thought of too. He went whoa man, you know. That's why he called her woman, right? He was looking at her and he went whoa man. That's a old joke.
Speaker 2:I guess I heard it in a time or two, but yeah, it adds up. It ties in Definitely some excitement, I'm sure from Adam there.
Speaker 1:You think, did you guys have those verses read at your wedding?
Speaker 2:Which ones.
Speaker 1:The bone of my bones, flesh, my flesh.
Speaker 2:I can't remember. It's usually like a standard.
Speaker 1:You don't remember, you weren't there, it's been a while.
Speaker 2:We're actually coming up with anniversary next month though. Yeah, it's been a while.
Speaker 1:Dude, I'm coming up. My wife is let it slip. She's not one to tell me when our anniversary is or how many years we've been married. She expects me to know and I will not know. You guys know me well enough now. My memory just is not there when it comes to I don't pay attention to time, so it's really a difficult whenever it comes to my anniversary. I'm about to be married for 30 years next year.
Speaker 2:Next year.
Speaker 1:Congratulations. I give her all the credit. I give her all the credit, not me. I said was that like a silver anniversary, a gold anniversary? She said it better be some kind of anniversary. The look she had on her face, no pressure. She said it's like a Hawaii anniversary. First thing I thought of Pierre was ooh, juan Sines lives in Hawaii. I can go there and visit Juan's. On one side, women have that look, though, man.
Speaker 2:I know Michelle has her own, where she looks a certain way. I know I've done it. I've went too far across the line Her little ears can go back. Sometimes I'm like, uh-oh, I crossed the line, I put my foot a little too far away, so you better pay attention to that one. If you've got a certain look for the 30 years, you better make it special.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I thought my brain has been going now for a little bit. It's been keeping me up at night. Hey, we I read that verse area, right, there was read at my wedding and it was a guy who we knew and he was a father of mine and the Lord, so to speak, had us over to the house for Bible studies, a whole bunch of us over. Just somebody who I've been very grateful for in my life and he had a real deep voice like this. I mean just a really deep voice, and I can still hear. Whenever I, whenever I read that part there this is now bone to my bones and flesh to my flesh I was like, oh man, I was, I was at the read, listen to them, read them Anyway. Uh, all right, so we had the serpent. You guys, do we want to revisit Genesis 3 or do we kind of cover that?
Speaker 2:I mean I think it's still important. I think another question you could ask is so why even? Why even have the option of a tree that could set off evil, like that, I guess, or the knowledge of it, like why was that tree even there? I know you can tie it into the kind of the free will so you can go and even sending your kids off into the world, you can make them aware of both good and bad and hope they always choose good. But those are just one of those thoughts Like if you knew that what the downfall of mankind could be. What's that tree? Why would it? Why even be there? Why would it even be created?
Speaker 3:Well, I think.
Speaker 3:I mean, I'm just speculating, but I'd, like you said, because we have to have our, we have to be able to make our own decisions.
Speaker 3:And so if, if everything was just good all the time, quite honestly, like it wouldn't have set up the whole premise for Jesus because he didn't come and just like live it up and have a great time, Like he came and was tested and went through trials. And so, if we expect that our life, like if, if all of that was never there, we wouldn't have perspectives and we wouldn't have a need for this podcast, that's for sure. But like every, if everything was just always good, we wouldn't know what good was right. Like you, you have to have the good and the bad to really appreciate the good when it comes around and to understand that when the trials of life hit that we're not, we can't expect that just because we're Christians that everything's going to be good all the time. Like Jesus didn't have that, why would we think we would? So I think it's. It gives us an opportunity to learn and to appreciate and to see things differently and, like be thankful.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think so. I think it also shines a light on just who we are, because we still make those bad decisions. Like how many times are we we just in a in a world of contentment, like everything around us going well, we know right from wrong and we want more, to the point where we ended up choosing wrong at some point. Like you see that throughout history, where you could have a really good life, you could have all you want, but there's that urge or need for something more and you go and you try or test things and poof, you know bit consequence.
Speaker 2:And I know they talk about like, let's say, gateway drugs for example. You look at those situations where you don't need drugs to survive but folks look for you know all these new thrills and you know they want something more, some more type of an adrenaline. You know that they cross the line and try some things that are not good for you and they know that these things aren't good, but they still do it and unfortunately, those consequences end up taking their toll when those decisions are made.
Speaker 3:Our pastor one of our pastors just did a sermon about like one of the things that he talked about was holding on to things too tightly and like asked about what you're holding on to too tightly and for me that's certainly my child, as what I'm sure it is for a lot of people but the point that he brought up was, if you're holding on so tight, like you're not allowing them to fail and to fall and isn't that where we learn a lot of our lessons, where we turn to Jesus, where we learned to go to him and to trust him and to follow him, and so if you're not allowing your kids to get into those situations and to fail sometimes, then maybe they're not learning the lessons like they need to.
Speaker 3:And so maybe that was the same kind of thing for God like I'm not going to hold on too tightly, I'm going to allow them to fall, and then they'll learn that they need to come to me. It's kind of like a baby when they're learning to walk. If you hold on to them all the time, they're not going to learn to walk as well as they would if you let go and they fall and they learn how to balance themselves. So maybe it's a balance thing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm going back to trying to put myself in God's spot, right, and just trying to say, okay, he's the father, I'm a father, so we have that kind of common, and that's about where it ends, I think, as well but, you know how disappointing is it whenever your child does something wrong, how disappointing it could bring you to tears, and you hate it for them.
Speaker 1:Whenever they do something wrong, because you just know that it can inflict pain, you hope the patterns aren't starting. There's so many things there that go through your mind and the fear of the things that keep you up at night. Sometimes it's just for my children and I want them to make the right choices, but then how happy and elated are you when they do make a right choice and you can clearly see like that they are overjoyed that they made the right choice too, but not because it made you happy. They just saw the benefits from making the right choice. Maybe that made somebody else happy. Maybe they saw the side effects of making the right choice and how it affected other people.
Speaker 1:It's cool to be able to see that, and so there's a relation there too. So I wonder too with God, is he pleased? I go back to when Jesus was baptized and when he went under the water he came up and the spirit ascended down to him like a dove, and then the heavens opened up and they heard a voice said that this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased, guys. You know, I can only imagine what it's going to be like to be able to hear that maybe one day I lost my father whenever I was really young and, I'll be honest with you, there haven't been a lot of times that a man has said to me that they were pleased with me because they haven't had men in my life to be able to say that, plus because I was a screwball. So I didn't give a lot of guys a lot of opportunities to say that I made a lot of wrong choices.
Speaker 1:But I can imagine just how pleasing that will be one day, and so I wonder if that isn't a part of why that tree of knowledge of good and evil was there, so that people can make the choices of good and people can make the choices of evil goes back to that free will, to where we aren't robots, we aren't pre-programmed to do only one thing and one thing only. We do have choices and those choices and decisions, like we talked about before, are up to us, and then that final judgment day will come when we have to give account for those choices and, to be honest with you, that seems more fair to me than just me not having any choices whatsoever. Right, I mean it does. It feels more fair, it feels like I have liberties. Then, whenever I have the opportunity to do good or I have the opportunity to do evil, it feels fair, it feels right, it feels just. And that's what God is too. He's a just God.
Speaker 3:Well, if you were like Pia and I, I'm sure you are too West. We're competitive by nature. So if you are in a tournament and you're just handed a prize versus having to work for it like, aren't you more elated when you have to work for something and achieve something? So you know, maybe God's allowing us to have those perspectives and understandings, and I don't know. I just think it makes life more interesting.
Speaker 1:Do you guys think that, like giving all the kids trophies for finishing like in second place, third place, fourth place, everybody gets a trophy? No, you think, should everybody get a trophy in life? Or should that be reserved maybe for the first place person, the first place team, to get the largest trophy and then to give me a little medals or some participation awards to the other kids or something like that? That's fine, but to me, yes, the winners, the achievers, need to be elevated a little bit more to allow other people to have to maybe work a little bit harder to strive for something greater, to be, you know, happy for other people. Instead of just having that playing field be one level playing ground, why even have a tournament if everybody's going to win?
Speaker 2:Right and what's the motivation and drive either, Like the whole point of being first or being a champion is to really push yourself and push yourself to the limits and try to achieve something, be it as an individual or as a team. I think that's kind of taken away if everyone's achieving it, regardless of the effort and, you know, regardless of the training and the practice and all the things that they put into it. And I know we're, all you know, sports fans. You can imagine, like all these these guys putting their bodies on the line and football. You know there's no Super Bowl trophy. Everyone just kind of gets a trophy at the end. You've gone through all these injuries.
Speaker 2:You know what? 18 weeks now, plus some, and everyone just gets a trophy at the end. Thanks for thanks for playing. No, you're, you're, you're fighting and you're pushing in order to get that big reward. And again, that's what we're, we're doing on earth. You know we, we have the, the game plan laid out in the word and you know we're we're fighting and we're battling and we're we're doing all this good. And you know, trying to live better lives. You know, honestly, before, over the world and I don't even talk about it like if, if heaven wasn't real, like I still feel, like I've lived a better life, a more purposeful life, believing that it is, and I do believe that it is, but even without it, like my life personally has been better because I've been more intentional about the way I live, with those type of promises.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and they certainly don't give everybody in the Olympics the medal Like that still doesn't happen either. So they brought something there.
Speaker 1:Maybe, so, maybe so. Hey, we talked about Genesis three in one of the past episodes. I'm not sure what episode it was, but you can go back there and listen to some of that to get a little bit more in depth detail on what we thought about Genesis three and the Garden of Eden and and Satan and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But I'm going to fast forward here to the end of chapter three just so we can wrap this up. First, one, two the Lord God said behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. And now let us, let he, let's he, stretch out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever. Therefore the Lord God sent him out of the Garden of Eden to cultivate the ground from which he was taken. So he drove man out. At the east of the Garden of Eden he stationed a cherubim and a flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life. That kind of wrapped up the Garden of Eden story.
Speaker 1:Next week is Cain and Abel, or at least Genesis. Chapter four is Cain and Abel, and we'll talk about that at some point here. I know you talked about bouncing around from the Old Testament to the New Testament just to talk about things. And I would love to go over into Matthew or any of those books just to, kind of, you know, change it up a little bit and get a different perspective each week. And I know Matthew, chapter one is all about a genealogy and that could be really, you know, kind of like okay, how are you going to make a podcast out of genealogy? I got one, cause I got one.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Oh, I got one. What?
Speaker 3:I'm in solo.
Speaker 1:I think. I think it's a good one, because genealogies can be intimidating. I would love to be able to share that with everybody, though, if we can do that. I know you're the executive producer. I'm just putting the pressure on you not to be able to say no in front of the thousands of listeners we have, or whatever.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we could. We could definitely dive into Matthew, and I will also tell you and the listeners to remember that Genesis three 24. I have another theory in the future when it comes to that one as well.
Speaker 1:Well.
Speaker 2:I can.
Speaker 1:I like it a lot. Hey, good job by you guys. It's good to be able to take a moment just to be able to sit down and be quiet and study the Bible and to meditate on these things and to talk about it with a couple of good friends and I feel like you guys are that, even though you're some 500 miles away from where I am now. But it's cool that we're able to have that opportunity to be able to sit down and talk and share our thoughts, not only with each other, but with all the listeners too, and we really do appreciate all of you listeners as well. Thank you so much for rating the program. It touches a heart.
Speaker 1:Pierre sent me a couple of those different, different reviews and I was like, oh, we got reviews, man. And he said, well, there's others too Besides that. I said, really, there's other and that's just cool to be able to do so. You've, you've. You cheer us up whenever you do that and we appreciate the criticism. And look if you know something better than we do. If you have your own theory, we've gone whack a doodle on the show. Okay, we have you. Just say I don't want you to stay up late at night thinking about this and thinking that you're the only one, and so I love that the format is able, pierre and Michelle, to be able to, you know, just share our thoughts and to not be judged for them, you know yep, I agree, that's the point was.
Speaker 2:We appreciate you. I know you always thank us and thank the listeners. You know we're we're trio ourselves, not a holy Trinity, but we're still pretty good trio. So we thank you for coming along and kind of leading the ship as our, as our co-host here and just give you, give you your, your thanks as well for for being willing and being open yourself, even amongst our differences.
Speaker 1:Absolutely no worries. I am glad to do it and, as always you listeners out there, you can get in touch with Pierre at Pee Wee 31 and get in touch with Michelle at go pack, go 411, over on Twitter, and you can also reach me on Twitter as well. At loafing it on Twitter, don't forget to leave a review. We're even on Facebook right here. Tell them all those places that we are. You know better than I do.
Speaker 2:So we're not on Facebook. I'm one there personally, and so I've had some outreaches of folks that have found me on Facebook. But we are on Twitter at finding faith pod. We also have an email that's open for for all who want to chime in and reach out.
Speaker 1:That's a findingfafelosingsleep at gmailcom and, as always, we want to encourage you to pray for us and we will pray for you.