Finding Faith, Losing Sleep Podcast
Finding Faith, Losing Sleep Podcast
Episode 16: Exploring Faith, Evolution, and Society: A Candid Conversation on Controversial Topics
What if there was a way to navigate the most sensitive of topics with grace and understanding? Together, Wes, Pierre, and Michelle will journey through these challenging conversations, offering our personal experiences and sharing how faith can provide solace and strength. We delve into the controversial yet fascinating topics that often spark heated debates, reminding our listeners that open-minded dialogue is key to gaining a wider perspective.
Cracking open the mysteries of the Bible, we explore the enigmatic concept of the Trinity and the biblical account of creation as told in Genesis. We grapple with the complexities of understanding the Trinity, and how a child-like approach might provide a fresh viewpoint. The conversation takes a scientific detour as we examine evolution in the context of the Galapagos Islands, juxtaposing faith with the concept of adaptation. We contemplate the biblical account of creation, pondering the omnipotence of God's words, and the speed with which prayers can be answered.
As we dive into the enigma that is the existence of dinosaurs, we juxtapose biblical references to dragons and hypothesize on the environment that could have sustained such creatures. We consider the cataclysmic event that could have led to their extinction, and discuss humanity’s propensity to repeat mistakes. On a societal level, we contemplate the complexities of today's society, including the implications of Pride Month. Join us on this enlightening journey as we navigate the often turbulent waters of faith, evolution, and societal norms with an open mind and heart. Together, let’s spread the message of love and understanding.
Email: findingfaith.losingsleep@gmail.com
Twitter: @FindingFaithPod
It's time to wake up and pray up here on the Finding Faith and Losing Sleep podcast, in the beginning, episode f 18. I think I think it's episode 18. Pierre No not 18. How many, i think we're at 16.
Speaker 2:This is 16. Well, there's sixes and eights.
Speaker 1:Well, there's sixes and eights, all in the beginning, episode 16. How about that? I did that pretty well.
Speaker 2:You start it and you start that way all the time, but somehow you start up Michelle. this time around She might jump.
Speaker 1:That's fun. Hey, i'm Wesley's. What are your hosts? at Lofen and over on Twitter, pierre is talking. He is the producer extraordinaire, the guy that kind of runs the ship here. I'm sorry that you have to do that, pierre, because I know that I can get off kilter a little bit sometimes and you probably take a lot of heat for doing that, pierre.
Speaker 2:No, it works out well. We have another pod together that you kind of produce. It's just kind of flipped over here. You got your moments, but I can push through and edit what I need to if necessary.
Speaker 1:He is at Peewee31 over on Twitter. At Peewee31 on Twitter, his wife joins us on this podcast. Pierre talked about a sports podcast. Him and I do This one Finding Faith, losing Sleep podcast. His wife joins us. We thought, guys, i listened to past episodes. Since the last time we talked, i've been listening to some past episodes. At one time I thought, michelle, that you were going to be on this podcast to kind of separate Pierre and I from talking about things, because we talk about some controversial topics. Then Pierre said no, i think I'm supposed to be separating you two is what I said. That is Michelle. At PAC 411. Go PAC, go 411.
Speaker 3:That is correct, Wes, but I'm not even sure about that. I think sometimes you separate Pierre and I.
Speaker 2:It gives me trouble.
Speaker 1:We are an everyday podcast just for everyday listeners. None of us have gone to a theological school, no seminary. We haven't done anything. We have studied the Bible, though. We've talked about things biblically, but also just life issues, and trying to come together on all the different topics. Sometimes we've got to agree to disagree. The reason why the three of us together work out so well, i believe, is because we all have three different backgrounds. We all have three different styles of life going on. I'm a Southern guy, those guys are in the Midwest, they're married. I'm married. We've got a lot of different perspectives. It's cool to have us come together and to talk about these things, guys.
Speaker 3:Agreed.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's nice. It's just good to share perspective, because the Bible is a lot. I think that we talked about how we all kind of get different things from it. We all can interpret the Bible differently. It's good to talk it out because I think that's the case with many listeners They have their own opinions formed or they get something different out of it. Sometimes it makes you think and kind of ponder what it means, what the context could have been back in those years and things along those lines.
Speaker 3:Sometimes it can just be flat out intimidating. For me, it's overwhelming. What I mean by intimidating is I get overwhelmed by it sometimes. Maybe that's where I feel intimidated by it. For me, it helps tremendously to be able to talk through it, because that's how I learned best. Hopefully, yeah.
Speaker 1:You said the Bible. The Bible is intimidating or just it has a lot of different topics in it and everything like that Life does too. Life throws a lot of different topics our way. I went all the way back to the beginning and started listening to those episodes because they have staying power. It's probably not something that you can't go back and listen to the first one and listen all the way through to catch up to this one without pulling something out of it, because it's not necessarily trending topics. There are solid topics that everybody struggles with, but we even talked about that That one episode. We talked about suicide and abortion. I was like we did talk about that. I forget about these things, but man, that's kind of controversial stuff. We did it in a way that I would think would be pleasing to our Father in heaven. I thought we did a good job in talking about that, discussing it with open minds and open hearts and trying to understand all the different perspectives. That's what we need today, i believe.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's what we're hoping to do, because they can be difficult subjects. Just talking through it and hopefully the Lord has his hands on this and he speaks through us and it comes through the microphone.
Speaker 1:Oh no, hey, there was a lady, a young lady, who approached me. I've known her through work a little bit and everything. We've known each other through church, league, softball and stuff. Her husband plays softball, i play softball. Our circle started getting a little bit tighter. She came to me and she asked me for prayer one day and she told me what was going on. I told her, yeah, i would. Then, michelle, it's something similar to medical things that you were going through at one time. so I said, hey, i got this podcast. I was able to be able to reach out and just send that her way, hopefully to talk about some things that are going on and to be able to hear your testimony, michelle, to be an encouragement to her. That was cool. She was an encouragement to me that day.
Speaker 3:That's amazing. I'm glad you, We go through things to help. I believe to help others. God can use us for good. Please encourage her. if she wants to reach out to me too, I'm happy to speak with her.
Speaker 1:Oh sure, i'll do that Then. Yeah, that takes me back to the Valley and the Mountain episode. Remember we talked about that stuff too.
Speaker 2:That's good We had some good conversations. It's went better than I thought it would. if I'm being honest, much, much better than I thought. That's just eye-opening the heartwarming off at the same time.
Speaker 1:We wanted to jump back all the way. We're going to change these episodes up a little bit, but we decided that we wanted to talk about the Bible a little bit more, not all the way, not all the time, but doing a way that the three of us can talk about these things. That's why I said this episode title up here and I may have stole it from you, i don't know if that's what you were going to call it or not but in the beginning and I keep doing that, i don't know why I keep doing it that way, but that's the voice I've been doing as I've been practicing this We wanted to go all the way back to Genesis and talk about the things that are going on in Genesis. Genesis chapter 1 is just packed full of controversial topics. Can I say that Genesis 1 is just a controversial chapter in the Bible because it talks about God creating the heavens and the earth. It talks about God creating the earth.
Speaker 1:People have different perspectives on that of how we became into existence, how the earth came to existence, how planets came to existence, what all it's doing and everything. Guys, you two know me a little bit. You know me a little bit better than Michelle, does You know that I have a very open mind. I look into a lot of different perspectives, not only on the creation of mankind, but the creation of the planets, all the solar systems and everything I've explored, i've read, i've listened, i've asked questions. I still can't make more sense of it than just the simplicity of a creator, a designer, designing this stuff that we see every single day, or even our bodies, our lives, everything. I can't get to a better conclusion than there was a designer who did it and then, bam, he wrote about it in Genesis.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's where some of the faith starts, right off the bat, is Genesis helps make sense of this life, because that's one of the bigger questions is what's this life about? Where did all this stuff come from? You search for answers and I know one's like the Big Bang Theory and we talked about that and I'm like, well, what can bang it? There's nothing there. It doesn't make sense. You know what I'm saying. The Big Bang Theory is apparently like this big explosion and things went into place, but if you look at the science aspect of it, something has to be there, like oxygen. There's oxygen, there's water, h2o, there's elements that play a part of it. All this stuff couldn't just appear out of nothing. There has to be something that makes things grow, that puts things into a creative type of standpoint.
Speaker 1:And and the guy, the guy sat me down one time because I was, you know, i was thinking about these things and he said Wes, hold out your hand. So I held out my hand and and then he put something in my hand and he and he, you know, he said close it. And so I closed it and He said what did I give you? and I opened up my hand, i looked inside of it and I said you gave me nothing. There was nothing inside my hand. And he said that's right.
Speaker 1:Therefore, something had to always be. And I looked at him and I'm like I don't understand. You know, that's what I said. I said he said he said that's just me, i don't understand those things. He said Out of nothing, nothing comes. Therefore, something had to always be. And and I thought about that and I Wracked my head around it and I'm like, huh, yeah, there had to always be something in order for something to come out of something. Nothing comes out of nothing, and and so you know that was. That was simple. It's like a little simple thing but it makes you go Oh, it's that simple, you know.
Speaker 2:Well, you also just think about like so where we get like morality And we're stuff like that come from, like, how do we, how do we know you know what's what's good, what's bad, what you know, those type of things. I know we got a brain, but how does the brain know how to function? You know? how does the heart know how to beat? How does all these things you know, even if I'm like the human body, how does it all work?
Speaker 3:you know perfectly For what, from what we're we're basically made for well, you know, honestly and I think I talked about this previously, but you know, My faith grew exponentially and it's gonna sound crazy, but when I had my miscarriage, because To really wrap your brain around, to see this tiny little human, the tiniest little fingers and toes, and then To think about how all of that has to form and how many things have to go right and how the you know, the, the fetus knows how to create, like your womb in your womb, that quickly, how you know your iris works and your nerves and how your blood vessels form and bones and what their functions are like, it is incredible. So you know, i 100% agree that you know, when you really think about that, like really do you think this just happens by accident? Like That's? that's what truly made my faith grow stronger was to say there has to be something bigger, there has to be, because this doesn't just happen by accident, it's, it's incredible.
Speaker 1:No, i think we can chalk it up to a designer. I believe that if you have any thoughts other than contrary to those things, by all means you can share them with us. You can find us over on Twitter at finding faith podcast, right here. That's how it is finding faith pod. Finding faith, pod, and you can also email the show. How do they do that here?
Speaker 2:That would be finding faith. Losing sleep at gmailcom.
Speaker 1:That's right. You're so correct. I was putting you to the test. No, i didn't, i couldn't remember what it was, or the better, even the easier way to do that is to just leave a review or something And you can leave a comment, and whatever listening platform you like to listen to the show one, you could do that there that way as well. So a lot of different avenues. If you want to talk about these things, by all means do that, and and we are happy to accept All questions or maybe other answers I'm a seeker man. I like to seek, i like to try to find, and so that's what I love to do. We talk about a designer and Let me ask you guys this who designed the book of Genesis? who wrote the book of Genesis? the, either one of you know I.
Speaker 2:Think the comment. Thought is Moses.
Speaker 1:Can you do it in that Charlton Heston voice? No, moses, yeah, moses did, and he did it with the children of Israel. This was like when they were wandering around in the wilderness after they got let out of Egypt, which that story is back there at the end of Genesis, which hopefully will cover that as well Over due time. So they, they were wandering around and those guys had been in Egypt. The children of Israel had been. God's children had been in Egypt for such a long period of time, be in bondage there and I don't know what.
Speaker 1:The making a bunch of bricks and everything is what they were doing, and essentially, there were so many generations that had come and gone that They started asking questions and and the best way I can figure this out is they raise their hand and they're like Moses Where'd we come from Moses? how do we get here, moses? How did that mountain get so high, moses? Where did the Sun come from Moses? We're just there just asking these questions may not been directly to Moses, it could have been to somebody else, but all these people were wanting these answers, just like children. You want those kind of answers. Yeah, your kids ever asked those kind of weird questions like that where you're like.
Speaker 2:You really don't know why the grass. I'd grown a dog. Those answers.
Speaker 1:I was gonna say that your kids ever ask you why the grass is green. And then I just went. I just thought to myself Oh, why is the grass green? You?
Speaker 1:know, So I guess we all had the kid in us where we want to know these answers, and so God revealed these things to Moses and he they started writing them down for everybody to be able to know and to answer those kind of questions.
Speaker 1:So that's what this is all about, and You guys the three of us we talked about in past episodes God's rules, god's laws and how they're there to protect us and and not Be a, you know, driving force like a mean old God or anything like that on top of us, but more of a loving, kind God who's wanting the best for us out of this life and wants us to squeeze all the juice out of This life that we can, and that goes to loving him and to loving our neighbors as ourself, and That's why I believe he wrote the book of Genesis, or had the book of Genesis written, because, just as kids ask those questions of us And we have to be patient and answer them, i think it's an understood, understood thing that people are gonna ask these kind of questions, and so we got to give them the answers.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and it's, it's helpful, I'll tell you that. And so you know, diving into Genesis, the first part, you know it's, it's pretty enlightening when you think about you know night and day and you know dry land and the seas and just kind of how it all formed, because it does start to answer those questions And you know, later on it gets a little tougher because like genealogy, like I look, it loses me. It loses me a genealogy. But I also can understand, you know back then that it was almost like the alphabet you know to them. Well, they they kind of knew their genealogy.
Speaker 2:But just starting with you know how things came to be formed, just kind of helps me to imagine, or use my imagination Well, how that all could have kind of taken place. And again you look around the world and what you have and you can see places That are kind of bare and and dry, that that aren't filled with you know Grass and and water and lakes and rivers, and it just kind of comes together. But even like the moon, you can kind of see how that you know plays out On the moon itself and you know its purpose is completely different from from somewhere like the earth as well as the other planet.
Speaker 1:You know it's cool about talking about these things is I'll be the first to admit I don't have all the answers, you know, and so whenever I look at this, i think it's a big deal and and I do I think it's a little bit weighty. And putting it on a Podcast instead of just sitting down and doing it with a buddy or something like that and talking about these things, it's a little bit different. It's a little bit weighty. This is gonna be in the Archives for a long time And so I was a little bit nervous about talking about this.
Speaker 1:But I love studying the book of Genesis because it's so profound, and, and in Genesis 1, 1, it says in the beginning, god created the heavens and the earth. God, that's so I would. That's why we call him God. It's because that's that's how it is here. It's like Elohim. It's actually a plural word and we'll see that a little bit later as the chapter unfolds. How there's more than one person kind of here is. You know, that's that's how I'm gonna put it in my head, how I make sense of it. You may be able to make sense of it a little bit different way, but it's a plurality word, which means there's like more than one being, and that's where we come kind of get the start of the Trinity. You know the father, the son, the Holy Spirit, and we'll see that here as well. So what do you guys think about the Trinity? Is that? that's almost like a controversial topic too, i believe.
Speaker 2:It's. It's kind of hard to fathom At times, and I know that was actually a Question. I think our daughter, eddie, even asked at some point that my shell can dive into a bit.
Speaker 3:Yeah, i, olivia had asked. You know, how, does you know? She wanted to understand the difference and I honestly, to be completely honest with you, had no idea How to explain that to her. So I asked one of our pastors at church and she gave me the analogy of an apple and So I was explaining, i started to explain it to Olivia and she was just little and I said It's like an apple, and she's, and instantly she's like, say no more, i understand. And she's like you know, basically you have this, because which part is the apple? Is it the seed? Is it the fruit part on the insider, is it the, the outside? and And it's all the apple. But you have to have all of those pieces to make the one piece.
Speaker 3:But my child understood it better than I did before, i even was explaining it. So you know it was pretty incredible to Have her. You know, we say like children get things a little better than we do because their understanding isn't, you know, kind of twisted. So Oftentimes, you know, out of the mouths of babes come really amazing things. But I thought that analogy was great because, if you think about it, which part is the apple? Well, the peel, the, the, you know the sweet part in the middle, or the seeds, and it all is. So I think, as far as like the Holy Trinity, there it's all one, but there are three significant pieces. So it was a good analogy for me to give to her and it helped me too.
Speaker 1:And, and it all has three different roles and a purpose, like, like the seed is to reproduce, the meat is to, or the meat of the apple, you know the, the part we like, the part we like to eat. I think it's called the meat, i don't know. It's the sweet stuff, that's good stuff. And then the skin is there to protect it from all the outside forces. So exactly all. And the and the Trinity is the same way. It's got all the, all the different aspects of it, the father, son, holy Spirit. They all have different roles.
Speaker 1:And you talked about the Child, understanding it, the faith of a child, and I think back to Jesus, whenever he his phrase, whenever he said if you have faith, like a child, you know that, that phrase and I Wanted to talk about this a little bit as we, before we dive into this or faith, you know we got to have faith that God created the heavens and the earth, mm-hmm, i mean, you got to have faith, right.
Speaker 1:Right, it's, it's kind of a blind faith. I'll be the first one to admit it, because we didn't see it when it happened. It's the one that makes the most sense to me, but you got to kind of have blind faith in that. And even even the Bible in Hebrew, says faith is a substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. And No matter what or how you believe, we came into existence, the earth came into existence. It takes faith, mm-hmm, whether whether that's faith in a designer, a God, or a faith in the boom boom bang theory, you know And you got to have faith because you weren't there at any of those things. So that person's faith that may believe in Darwin's theory of evolution is no different than my faith in God. As far as equality goes, i think, because neither one of us actually see it happen.
Speaker 2:Right, that's true, and I'm having a struggle with like evolution though. So I had my little rain on the big bang theory. So if evolution like I've never seen, like a cat, a kitten like evolve into a lion, like Any kitten I've seen, stay to stay the cat, you know it's just, i know it's just so hard to. I know that you know the, the mind, you know evolves and you know you can see like athletes like, for example, like athletes back in the day Yeah, you know, in the 70s and 80s aren't the same as you. The athletes today who train differently and you know, feel their bodies differently, but they're still like, like humans, like it wasn't, like they didn't transform from like an ape or a gorilla, those type of situations.
Speaker 2:So it's mentally it's hard for me to fathom that whereas this makes sense, you know God makes sense, a creator that I can't understand makes sense for all that we have. That's so I don't know, so complex to even think about. Like that adds up more And when you read again the Bible and the creation, it kind of puts it together that this could be feasible.
Speaker 1:And I'll be the first one to admit. Now let me finish my statement. I do believe in evolution, okay, but there's a minor evolution and there's a major evolution, right, the major evolution is wherever you have the evolution where one species becomes another species or you know, just complete transformation of, like holy cow. Look at that, the thing that Darwin talks about. You know, with the missing link and everything. Darwin even said himself that if you do not find a missing link, my theory which, by the way, it's called a theory, my theory is useless. If you never find a missing link, my theory is useless of whether it's a fish becoming a bird or whatever it is, whatever his theory of evolution is. But I do believe in minor evolution, where you know you take birds or something and you see the seeds on the Galapagos Island. How about that? I just impressed everybody by knowing the name of a Galapagos Island.
Speaker 2:Perhaps I will too. That's even more of that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, don't ask me to drive you there. I couldn't get you there if I had to. But you see the different sized seeds there on the island and this is like this scientific case study where it's almost like this little bubble where they could put these people or these animals are there and so they can go there and they can study these animals because they're really kind of secluded. And you see the bird sizes. The beaks of the birds grow or shrink depending on the size of the seeds from the year prior, because those birds that had to have smaller beaks because it was smaller seeds, because the plants weren't doing as well, they were the ones that were more fruitful and multiplied more than the bigger beaks, bigger beaked birds. That's tough to say.
Speaker 3:See that guys.
Speaker 1:So, but it changes depending upon the environment that people or the animals are in. but it's not major evolution, it's just minor evolution within the same species. Did I make sense at any of?
Speaker 3:that That's like adaptation You adapt to your surroundings and such.
Speaker 1:Yeah, i've adapted, many times to it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, me too.
Speaker 1:So one of the things I always suggest for people to do whenever they talk about Genesis, or whenever I talk about Genesis with them a little bit, is to get out a piece of paper and don't be small in your drawing of this, but you should draw this the way it reads from the book of Genesis. Okay, you know what I mean Like in the beginning, god created the heavens and the earth and kind of put on the piece of paper as well, whatever piece of paper it is, and don't do this while you're driving, if you're listening to the podcast while you're driving but just right up there, right somewhere on the piece of paper, some questions that you have, some people that you can identify the names of things like God. Right, god is there in the story, so we could put God there, find out who else is in the story. But also, right now, the you know, he, just he created the heavens in the earth. So it's kind of like setting everything up.
Speaker 1:And then the earth was formless and void in verse two, and darkness was over the surface of the deep and the spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. Boy, that's, that's kind of cool Sounded. I don't know how you guys see that in your head, but I know how I see it in my head And it's one of those slow motion cameras filming like a raindrop dropping to the ground And I understand there's maybe not even gravity at this point, but just how it's like like almost jealous and it just can move and toss around, but it kind of stays in its own little, its own little water shell at the water shell, but you know what I mean Like it just can get blown around a little bit or something I don't know, formless and void. I've always thought, i've always liked that phrase.
Speaker 2:I think I don't know. It's weird. I almost feel like a mister fog, Yeah like something like a windy type mist and I don't know. It's hard to. It's hard to kind of verbalize the thought process. But you just think about, yeah, like a foggy mist and even almost like a bean, that's like hovering over, that's kind of the same, like taking a similar type form. It's not like a physical being, but just like a spiritual being. That's just. I don't know. It's hard to, it's hard to put in the words.
Speaker 3:Well, it's appropriate, probably.
Speaker 1:All right. So we got the spirit of God. We have God. We have the spirit of God and he's moving over the surface of the waters. I think that's the biggest key that we got to take out of this. Everything's like water right now. Okay, it's just water. Then God said let there be light and there was light. And God saw that the light was good and God separated the light from the darkness and God called the light day and the darkness he called night And there was evening and there was morning. One day That's a lot of work in one day, in my opinion.
Speaker 1:Right, there is where he needed to take a big break. Yeah, go ahead and go on vacation right now. You know how it seems like it's impossible to do, but for God nothing is impossible, right. And so it's really hard to kind of fathom this. How much work was that? And then we realized, like from John, chapter one, as it associates itself with Genesis, chapter one, that it was just words. You know, just God spoke these things and it happened. And that's maybe not as much work as I think it is, because I'm speaking into a microphone and it gets put out there on a podcast, so it just happens.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but he's a major, He's a major thing. But I mean, i think about like that, even like in our prayers, like God wants it to be, like how he can make it be and even how quickly like things can happen. And you see it sometimes when folks are praying for healing or praying for an answered, and all of a sudden, like boom, it's there. And that's not always the case, sometimes it's it's long, sometimes it's delayed, but sometimes that prayer is instant, answered, like instantly, and you can just imagine you know God just speaking into existence, and so why would that be any different for the, the earth?
Speaker 1:Right, that's a good point, all right. So I don't think this is sun and moon yet. I think this is just light and darkness. Okay, so I don't think the sun and moon is necessarily there, i don't know. That part Little confused. God called the light. Though we are did that for six.
Speaker 1:God said let there be an expanse in the midst. Can I turn the page of my Bible, pierre? I heard what you said, by the way, where I was listening to past podcasts, how it sounded like bags of chips and stuff. It did sound like that. I apologize, i apologize everybody, but the Doritos were good.
Speaker 1:Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters and let it separate the waters from the waters. And God made the expanse and separate the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse. And it was so, and God called the expanse heaven. And there was evening and there was morning a second day, all right. So if I'm drawing this on my piece of paper, you got one big old thing, a big circle, and I got to do a circle just because that's how my mind has been programmed all these years, like a globe kind of a thing, right? So you got this circle and it was all water. And then he said he put an expanse in the middle of the water to separate the water from the water. And he's not talking about land, it's sky, it's the heavens. That's what the expanse is. So there's water above the heavens and there's water below the heavens. All right, are we following it now?
Speaker 2:I kind of want to like take a rocket ship and see how high it would go and if it would reach water, and think about this.
Speaker 3:It's really mind boggling, if you like. Try it's kind of like when I try to think about the universe, like it, it just blows my mind. So like it's the same. Same type of thing is just even more impressive.
Speaker 2:Because, technically saying, there should be water above, but obviously, like we've been in, like planes, and you know, we've been above the, the clouds, and there's more, there's more sky and we have, you know, those that have left the earth and there's like a galaxy. So it makes you feel like there's even more that maybe is unreachable, that you're basically going to run into another form of water.
Speaker 1:No, you know you're right, and that's the part, that kind of you know you go. Okay, wait a minute. There. Water above, though, and then. So so you know, above the earth and water below the, there's water in that, above the firmament and water below the firmament. But then let me ask you guys this okay, this is gonna get into another topic and we this may be the last topic of the day, i don't know dinosaurs The dinosaurs exist. We see the remnants of it, right? Okay? so we see the bones, we see all that stuff.
Speaker 2:I think it depends, because I'm not saying they don't, because we obviously have, you know, the fossils etc. But were they like dinosaurs or is that just a name that was given to them? because I know, like, for example, myself, and in reading through the Bible, i see, like dragon mentioned a lot, or the, or the dragons, actually the dinosaurs, and they just got got names dinosaurs and so I don't know. Those are kind of the thought processes that run through, like what exactly was it like? was it a dinosaur, was it a dragon? was it a different being? and you know, we'll get to that even with the, the chair bones and stuff like that as well, i'm sure.
Speaker 2:But yeah, there were some existences. This, you know, was the name change, was the translation different, which I see in the Bible a lot as well, where one Greek word, hebrew word, means this and that's not what it says and it's a little twist, can change. You know what that is. So that's my thought on dinosaurs. I something existed. You know there's fossils, but was it a dinosaur? was it something else with a different name? those type of thing.
Speaker 1:I was waiting to see here. I was waiting here for shell timed in or not, you know like, but I so, yes, i agree with you that word dinosaur maybe didn't come into existence until then, but we know that if I say, for simplicity, place big old things, you know I'm talking about like, yeah, you know, i'm talking about the big old thing. So the dinosaurs. Let me ask you this what did dinosaurs eat?
Speaker 3:everything.
Speaker 1:It just depends on which dinosaur right yeah, i mean, you see some and, again, based off of how they're portrayed, there were some carnivores, there were some herbivores, and so it just all depends yeah, i think a majority of them were herbivores, if I'm not mistaken I could be wrong on that the, and then there were the carnivorous ones as well, but I think a carnivorous dinosaur probably had to eat another dinosaur in order to be have a full belly, like you can't. And the carnivorous dinosaurs could not go around chasing rabbits, and because it's just first of all, i don't know that it could bend over to get them, but but if they're take a lot of rabbits to fill up a dinosaur, you know what I mean. Like it's just so I think you had to have other dinosaurs and other for the carnivorous dinosaurs to survive, and I think that the herbivorious I think that word is just made up, i just made it up dinosaurs had to have a lot of plants and have to have those things. So we haven't seen land come into existence yet, but land ends up getting placed in the, in that little bit of water that's separated from the water above the firmament, right? so the land gets placed in the water below the firmament and that's where the dinosaurs, if they were the big old things, would have ended up living.
Speaker 1:And you think about the environment that would have been, with waters above the earth and waters below or you know, on the earth it would have been like a greenhouse effect, you know. I mean like a really super humidity kind of a thing. You know what I'm talking about. Like like, if you put the Sun in the middle of that, it just gets really humid. So I think that the plant life would be able to really just flourish way back when, especially if we didn't have all the buildings and everything like we have nowadays, but it really be able to flourish. So then the herbivore dinosaurs are plentiful, the carnivorous dinosaurs are plentiful, and you and I know that well, i know anyway that you know there was something that happened that just completely changed some of that stuff. You know, i'm saying like they're they found like woolly mammoths frozen in in in in a weird place, like in the Antarctica, with flowers in their mouth, with flowers in their stomach and there.
Speaker 1:There's not such a thing there on the North Pole or wherever it is, where there is no those flowers. So what? what happened? there was something like instantaneously that happened right mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:I mean I saw some people you know speak to the the flooding. You know, i know we're not into to Noah, but that's one of those things as well, where it's like something would take place and you look at how like mountains are formed and like the Grand Canyon, for example, and just how it's all the rock, as if something just rushed through there quickly and rose quickly and kind of wiped out everything. And again, when you think about water being above, i think we often go to like rain and like rain clouds. But you know we've been over, you know, if you flown you've been over rain clouds where you know a pilot can get out of the rain. It would have to be a substantial amount of water out of nowhere to take place there. And so even what? the dinosaurs, or dragons, or everyone a column?
Speaker 1:it could have been a similar situation where something just drastic took place and just wiped out their existence yeah, definitely there was something there, and so if we fast forwarded to like Genesis chapter 6 a little bit and the flood, and we'll get there eventually, i believe that we'll end up getting there. But if you, if you look there and God told Noah, you know, build the big old Ark and and get all the your family and put them in there and get the animals two by two and all that stuff and put them in there. And then if you look and I'm trying to find it here because it's, it's, it's been a minute since I looked at this look like in Genesis, chapter 7, verse 12, and it says the rain fell upon the earth for 40 days and 40 nights. All right, so we see that. But if you back it up, let's see one, two, two verses. Pier, if you back it up two verses and start reading there, you got your Bible with you so you're talking about the?
Speaker 2:after seven days, the water came all over the earth yeah, genesis 7, verse 10, read 10 and 11 and 12 all together so after the seven days, the water came over all the earth and the 600 year of Noah's life, and the second month of the 17th day of the month, all the fountains of the great deep came bursting through and the windows of heaven were open and rain came down on there for 40 days and 40 nights you see that and you know the interesting thing is it had never rained before this time never rained.
Speaker 1:That's why they mocked Noah, because he's building a boat and they're like hey, dude, it never rained, it's gonna come a flood, everybody's gonna come a flood. Y'all better prepare. You know that's what Noah was saying. I think those were exact words. Noah was saying. He was saying y'all better prepare, and they were. They were mocking him because it had never rained and and and not only that, but you know there's no flooding, so everything was contained.
Speaker 1:And then it says here that the windows of heaven, you know the great burst opened up from underneath the land a little bit there, it feels like. And then the windows of heaven were opened up and bam, for 40 days and I don't think that's just rain, i think that's the windows of heaven where we just got done reading the to me. Now, this is me. The firmament separated the waters above and the waters below right, and those waters above the windows of heaven were opened and it just came a flood. That's that's how I can picture it in my head. That's how I can make sense of, you know, the great flood that's talked about in so many different societies along. You know, in in earth, so many different societies talk about this great big flood that ended up happening, that just flooded out the earth and that's the bigger. That's that's how I can make the sense of it is right there from Genesis chapters was we're in Genesis, chapter 7?
Speaker 2:that's how I can make sense of it, i mean it makes sense and I never really read or thought like that.
Speaker 2:But I mean, that's why I'm here, pierre, that's why I'm here well, even when you think back to, like the Garden of Eden which I'm sure we'll get into as well like they were in the presence of God there and you know that was a holy, holy place and they basically were, or it's out there, kicked out, but there was at some point a connection to where they could, they love, but there was a kind of a connection between earth and heaven when it came to the Garden of Eden. So what's to stop that from existing still?
Speaker 3:well, and not only that, but I mean like pretty much Genesis is a repeating through Genesis. It's repeating like all of humanity's choice to either partner with God or reject him. Right, like you see it play out over and over and over again. You can either reject his instruction or you can partner with him, and and we, as humans, just choose to follow our own way. And you see that from the beginning. So it's for me it's sad, like I'm like man, you know we've had all of this time to learn from our mistakes and yet, as humans, we're still repeating the cycle, and it's sad yeah, it is, it is, and we even big, and we're even warned about it, right, right, and we're told about it and we still repeat the same thing.
Speaker 1:We're hardheaded, stubborn people and we ask that you will please forgive us of that. So you got the waters above the heaven, waters below the heavens. Windows of heavens were opened up and the water came flooding down right. The environment changes then And we're fast forward and I know, in our picture we haven't got, we haven't drawn this yet, or anything But the Sun gets put there in the middle of the firmament, the moon gets put there in the middle of the firmament, but now there's not as much greenhouse effect, if I'm saying that properly, you know, like, like it's just going to change if there's not waters above the earth and waters below the earth, if all there is is waters on the earth, it's going to kind of change the whole environment. So maybe, maybe that change Stopped the dinosaurs from being as plentiful. You know, maybe, maybe, no, it did put dinosaurs on the arc. Maybe put little ones, baby ones.
Speaker 1:I don't, i don't, i don't, i don't, i don't have all the answers. Okay, maybe, maybe they can swim, and he tied them to the the arc? I don't. Maybe they lived outside the arc, but the environment changed. So even if they did make it through the flood, maybe they couldn't be as plentiful and Produce and reproduce and and and so forth. You know, maybe just things changed. So I don't know that. That's how I I don't know the answers, but kind of putting those pieces together makes the most sense out of it that I can make. Yeah, that's, that's, that's it, that's, that's good, that's good. All right, back over in Genesis, right, we're, we're, we're. We're talking about the water above the earth, water below the earth and everything like that. And here, or Michelle, either one of you two, if you don't mind, how about if you guys start reading Verse nine, just start reading verse nine, and I'll stop you somewhere along the way of Genesis one.
Speaker 2:So and God said let the waters under the heaven come together in one place and Let the dry land be seen. And it was so, and God gave the dry land the name of earth and the waters together in their places were named seas, and God saw that it was good. And God said let grass come up on the earth and plants producing seed and fruit trees giving fruit In which there is seed after the sword. And it was so, and Grass came up on the earth and every plant producing seed of sorts and every tree producing fruit in which it is, seeds of It sorts, and God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.
Speaker 1:That's good, that's good, good job. And the. What strikes me out at this one, michelle, and correct me if I'm wrong And you say you said sort pier at mine says after their own kind, like they produce vegetation after their own kind. You know, and and I just it keeps happening like that.
Speaker 1:Whenever you're talking about the animals, even how they reproduce after their own Kind, that kind of goes into the, the evolutionary theory that we were talking about a little bit, where things become different things and everything that, just Everything goes after its own kind. And I think about the reproduction part of things too, where God is wanting things to be fruitful and multiply, michelle, and it's just like the Things go after their own things or the kinds go after their own kinds. And it got me thinking about animals. Even now, i know we got some strange dogs that end up doing things every once in a while to other things, but usually a cat reproduces with a cat, you know what I'm saying. Or a lion with a lion, and it's it's still happening today. You don't see Runoceros looking at a giraffe and going, hey, that's a pretty nice long legs right there. You know, it just doesn't seem to happen that way.
Speaker 3:Right, they just inherently know. And so then that begs the question how, if there's not a God, like, how do they, how do they know, right, like, and I think it kind of goes back to Like again in in Genesis, over and over again, we get the consistency of God's promise to rescue and restore. So if it didn't work that way and we didn't find our own kind like, then God's Promise is it there like? so I think it's. It's just, it's Mind-blowing to me when you think like, how, like you said, how the rhinoceros knows to find the rhinoceros, right, like, how are they communicating? like, what is it? Is it the pheromones? like, because, because God puts all of that in place. So just the minute details of everything that he does that we often don't even think about is Just mind-boggling. Like I said, like when I think about the universe, it's the same type of thing You know, think about like seeds and trees and like every year Garden like they.
Speaker 2:They just reproduce and I mean I know over time things can take place. But I mean you can plant a little seed and, you know, put it in the ground.
Speaker 2:Enough water, enough light, it's gonna know it's what produce exactly what it needs to produce And it does it over and over again, like we. we up here in the Midwest have, you know, all four seasons west And with that, you see, like trees, you know, the winter time just kind of wilt and and die, but come around comes the spring, they're starting to sprout again without us doing anything. We're not touching the trees ourselves with a human aspect of it, they're just growing and blossoming and it's like a cycle And happens throughout the whole world. It doesn't just happen, you know, here in the United States, is everywhere This all takes place.
Speaker 3:It's incredible.
Speaker 1:And I think about a tomato plant. It produces tomatoes, you know.
Speaker 2:It doesn't.
Speaker 1:It doesn't produce cucumbers and the cucumbers produce cucumbers. Yeah, that's what it does, right, but but we can make, we can make, we've, we figured it out, we've become little gods to some degree where we can make some hybrids of things. You know what I mean. Like, like, we can change these little, we can, we can tweak these things just a little bit to try and figure out A way to get a lemon lemon to grow on an orange tree. You know right.
Speaker 1:But it wasn't intended to be that way, mm-hmm, but we have made it that way. We've decided to change the plan. We man has decided to kind of tweak it to fit our own needs, or maybe, maybe even we don't need it to happen that way. We just want to see if we can.
Speaker 3:You know complex.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, it is that God complex, but I'm gonna go deep right here. Y'all don't hate me, okay, y'all don't hate me. If you, if you do, you can reach me over on Twitter at Pee Wee 31. But I think about, i Just think about society today and We've, we've, we've changed things so much to fit our desires, we've tweaked it so much to not necessarily figure out a way to produce with our own kind, and This is gonna be controversial. Y'all don't hate me, i'm just thinking out loud.
Speaker 1:But this was Pride Month, right, but it was Pride Month, and I've seen a lot of different parades going up and down Different places and I don't know what to believe because I didn't necessarily see that many of them here where I live. But I, i see women dressing like men and men dressing like women. I see men dressing like vulgar men out in front of children, and And I see parents bringing children to these things to let them see this. And I'm personally You all know my background and if you don't, you can go listen to past podcast. I've I've seen a lot of things that I never should have seen and it ingrained in my mind and it ingrained in my head to where it's. It's like one of those shocking moments that I can't ever forget, but I wish I'd ever saw.
Speaker 1:And for me as a parent, i always think that my number one job is to protect my child's innocence for as long as possible. Right, i need to protect my child's innocence as long as possible, just like you talked about, pierre. I hope we all do get to go back to the Garden of Eden at some point into heaven, where we will be innocent, there will be no sin, we will be no night there, we'll be able to have things the way we did as a child and looked at life as maybe a child like way. So when I see children at these events, i'm going. There is no possible way that that these grown adults Should be doing this in front of children. There is no way that I would ever dream of bringing my children to that and look, these are your kids, this is my. I got my kids, you got your kids. We can both screw them up, however We want to. Okay, that's our inalienable right for having children.
Speaker 1:But I go back to this little time here Where animals were reproducing with their own kind. Vegetation was reproducing with its own kind. If, if everything moves into this Pride area, then things are going to stop reproducing. And if they do reproduce, maybe they won't be reproducing with their own kind, and I don't know what came first, the chicken or the egg, but we Maybe we change things to fit our own desires, more so than God changing things along the way. You know, i'm trying to be sensitive as I talk and I'm trying to be kind of blunt at the same time. So forgive me if I'm too blunt, but I just, i just don't know what ended up happening first, peering all this and and.
Speaker 2:I'll throw it over to you, so I can just sit back and so I think I Think that's throughout, though, and I think I think pride always gets brought up, but People don't bring up divorce, people don't bring up adultery, and maybe it's because it's not thrown in your face. So my thought of if it's sin, it's all sin, and I'm kind of of an opinion that Christians like hate gays, hate the homosexual community just by the way they react to them. If these are still human beings that were called to love and neighbors that were called to love, we can't do so, not accepting them as humans. It's one thing to accept the sin itself, it's another to accept them as humans, and I think we struggle with that, and I think that pride is a very interesting name that goes about it both from the standpoint that it's in your face and there's a prideful impact to it, to where it's gonna be in your face. But on the flip side, i think those outside of there are too prideful to find a way to accept the people themselves.
Speaker 2:Me as a sinner, i don't find Jesus if someone didn't accept me and show me Jesus. So I don't know how those under pride can find Jesus themselves if those who say you know they're Jesus followers can't figure out a way to accept them, just as we've accepted those that are divorced, those that are committing adultery, those have even committed murder to some extent. These are all sins. So where do we go about the acceptance of the people and doing what God says to do above all else as loving Him and loving your neighbors as yourself?
Speaker 3:Great points Here and I have had, very like, so many conversations about this and I have struggled with it because, like you know, i have family members who are on that side of this And you know you still want to love them and I see the good that many of them have done and love God, and so you know it's tough and I'm with you, though, on this West where it's like, first of all and I'm not judging here, it's just something that I thought of and this is probably gonna be really controversial too but it's called pride. But pride is a deadly sin. So that kind of struck me. It's not to say you know that, that's why, or anything like that. I'm not saying that, but for me I'm with you on the reproductive part, because that's kind of the argument back and forth up here, and I've had not argument but just discussion. But for me I don't think it's up to us to judge. I will agree with him on that and that we are called to love like Jesus, and Jesus loved the sinners and those who were rejected and despised. So I agree with him wholeheartedly that we are called to love one another, no matter what.
Speaker 3:What makes it tough for me is if I really try to look at it fundamentally in God's intent for us, if it's not a man and a woman and you can't reproduce which I believe God wants us to, then that raises that question like, is it right? But I also believe, like I'm divorced. So like my whole struggle with getting my divorce, as I made the biggest promise there was to God that I'm going to be with this person for my life, and so my struggle in leaving that relationship was breaking that promise. But ultimately I had to get down to. The fundamental question was for me do I believe that God wants better for me or is this what he has? Because ultimately I'm still human and I can make an error in judgment and I honestly believe that was my human error in judgment and God had more for me. So, but it's still something I have to reconcile with him when my judgment day comes. So it doesn't mean that I have to believe and agree with everything everyone else does.
Speaker 3:That's not up to me to judge but, i, agree with you, wes as well, but I want to protect my child's innocence and mine too in some shape, shape or form. So I mean, i don't know This is where Pierre and I talk about this a lot because, quite honestly, i think we both struggle with it a lot and how the church reacts, and he and I have different feelings about it, and I think that everybody probably does. But ultimately, what I come down to for me is number one it's up to us to love one another, as Jesus did, and number two, it's not up to us to judge others. But that said, it's also tough as a Christian, because where do you draw that line between standing up for what we believe the Bible says And I say we believe because it's interpretation sometimes and letting everyone have their freedom to do what they believe is correct. So I don't know, it's a tough one, thank you.
Speaker 1:Hey, listen, and we've said that and we're not taking a tough stance, we're trying to talk about tough topics. That's what we try to do and to get the different And that's what I said earlier And it's look, we knew we were gonna talk about Genesis. Michelle and Pierre didn't know where I was going with that, and I really didn't know where I was going with that necessarily. But as I prepared for this a little bit and just had these thoughts marinating in my head, that was a thought that went through my mind. And it may not have went through my mind unless it was a June and it was Pride month, right, and so maybe it didn't. But I saw something the other day on Twitter and I found it again while you were talking, michelle, and I'm going to be. I think I may be a genius after you guys may say Wes, you are a pretty smart guy. That's what you may say after this, and some of you may not. But I talked about Edward Bernays a couple of episodes ago, the father of advertisement, and I talked about how he helped women end up smoking and stuff and how he made smoking end up being a fashionable thing, and we have that still advertising genius and prowess here nowadays where it influences people to do all those things right. And so I go back and I think about different things And one of the things I think about is like how many people did I know that would have participated in the Pride month whenever I was growing up as a kid? Now, i knew some people, right, but they were all older people, not necessarily anybody any of my peers, and I can understand why not if they were, i understand that. But this was an interesting study that I saw, and it was by a statistic is what it was by And it talked about the different. It has these little bar graphs and I'm not going to be able to explain a lot of these things.
Speaker 1:But Generation Z, starting there in the year 1997, people that were born between 1997 and 2004. Like, they are the biggest ones that identify as LGBT right now in today's society, 20%, 20% of those people that were pulled a US adult identify as LGBT. Isn't that something? I mean that seems like. There you go down to the people that were born before 1946, right, 1946, as of today, it is 1.7%. Baby boomers, people that were born kind of between the years 1946 and 1964, it is 2.7%. Generation X, 1965, 1980, it's 3.3%. And millennials which were born between 1981 and 1996, it's 11.2%. You can kind of see these graphs. They all stay the same, except for that Generation Z where over a three year period it went 10, five points higher. It went 5% higher.
Speaker 1:And I gotta say I wonder okay, are we getting influenced by the advertisers, by the things we see? And that's why that people maybe identify as that more so, because it's the fashionable thing to do or it's a cool thing to do? I don't know. I don't know that. I know that my grandparents, or even myself, who watches Matlock, i don't see a lot of those people on the television show, matlock, you know. But how many people do you see on the television shows that maybe Disney puts out or other people put out? I don't know, because I don't watch those things, so I'm not necessarily sure It goes back to one of our episodes of options.
Speaker 3:Yeah, our first episode of options. Like once it's an option, it's in your head right, like it's an option now. So if someone isn't happy with who they are, well, now I have a different option And but again, ultimately, i think that the big for me, the big lesson in this is it's not okay to hate period Like it's for us. We need to love one another and we're not gonna reach people if we hate them.
Speaker 2:I think that's what even triggers some of it. I'm sure because I've had friends, i've had co-workers et cetera and there's like a lack of acceptance is often what a lot of it comes down to And I don't know where the breakdown is. I haven't lived that life, but society always tries to tell you what you have to be, what you can and can't do, and when that happens, i mean you're gonna have rebellion for one, You're gonna have people that do it just so they can rebel and kind of be against the norm, but you're gonna have people that feel they need to do it in order to be accepted. For example, like growing up, little boys don't play with Barbie, dolls et cetera. That was just the thing that they go around. Boys don't play with dolls. But I mean if you're a boy that likes dolls, then like dolls. But if that's what you're being told, you see little girls playing with dolls, okay, then I wanna be, you know, a little girl. I wanna be able to do what I find fun And society tells you that you can't do that because you gotta be strong, you gotta be tough, you gotta be bold, and I mean you do need strength, but I just feel like that can.
Speaker 2:That just turns people off And they feel like they're not happy. They can't be who they want to be. So they try to change it and they try to be something else And, honestly, oftentimes that end up being happy as well, because they're searching in the wrong places. But I just think that sometimes us as a society put so much pressure on what you can and can't do. That's outside the Bible. These are man-made type of rules and it just starts to bother people And they start to go through their own changes, trying to figure out who they are as an individual when they're young, when they're teenagers, because they don't know they wanna do certain things and they're being told oh no, that's not for you. Who's to tell me what's not for me, except for God?
Speaker 3:Well and honestly, pierre and I've had this conversation so many times that it isn't lost on us too that not too many years ago it would have been not looked upon very well for us to be married. So it's kind of eye-opening and you know.
Speaker 2:And so I even use that. So let's say we were in a society where I love my wife, i'm black, she's white, and they're saying that I can't love her. I'm gonna have a problem with that And I know that's kind of the way of homosexual and whether you know, since this is within the Bible, we're okay, but since Leviticus, you know, has a portion in the Bible, it's so wrong And there's no sin. You know, in the love towards my wife There's no like hate. I can't help. You know the way I feel about her And I feel like that could be a similar situation for others And if it was wrong, like what would I do?
Speaker 2:is what I think. So if it came out that me loving my wife, that she's white and I'm black, was wrong, i would basically be in the same situation where the world and whether it be Christians, whoever telling me I can't do this God says is wrong. But I'm watching a world full of many things that God says is wrong, that God's people are accepting or saying at least they repent and it's okay And that's it's not okay for me to simply love someone else. And you talk about reproducing. I mean, there are gay couples that are better parents than heterosexual couples And again, i'm not sure what makes it right or wrong, but just keep that in mind.
Speaker 2:There was a heterosexual relationship that took place and they threw the kid to the curb or didn't want the kid, and it took a gay couple to take that child into a loving home that they didn't get from the other side. So there's just so many different ins and outs and that's why I don't really worry about it. I let people be what they wanna be and love what they wanna love, and I'm gonna love them in return, cause that's what I get out of the Bible. Jesus wasn't in there with priests and pastors and Christians. He was in there with tax collectors and sinners and prostitutes. That's who he was doing life with. So that's who I'm gonna do life with.
Speaker 3:I'm not a prostitute, by the way.
Speaker 1:Well, there's so many things that Pierre said good job, Pierre, you did a good job breaking it down Very passionately.
Speaker 3:I'm gonna put a mic, drop a little bit.
Speaker 1:I'm just saying No, no, that's very passionate there And I appreciate that, hey. So you got your black and your white, did you guys had a kid together?
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 1:What color was the kid?
Speaker 3:She's both.
Speaker 1:Cream like. Is it a cream tannish kind of color?
Speaker 3:She's a light brown and she's beautiful.
Speaker 1:No, no, listen, that's what, yeah, and you know cause you guys came together, like your own kind, to come together there and produce child. One of my thoughts is how does homosexuality continue to increase? Because if a homosexual couple comes together, what color kid do they have? And if it's about genes, and if it's about you know our body types and reproducing and you think about, like the Galapagos Island stuff again you think about that, wouldn't it become more extinual instead of increasing? And I think about that, i wonder about that. So if homosexuals can't necessarily reproduce after their own kind, then how is it continuing to increase? It's gotta be outside forces instead of inside forces, unless we're inserting chemicals, maybe, or something like that to change things on the inside of our bodies.
Speaker 1:I don't know. Those are thoughts, listen, i have thoughts, okay, and I don't know how it continues to increase, but yet it can't increase naturally. So, look, we're trying to hammer some things out, we're trying to talk about some things, and these things are really tough And I wondered whether or not we should talk about these things a little bit, guys, i'm being honest with you. And then, when I did stumble across the suicide, the abortion episode, i said, well, we've already talked about some stuff, yeah, so maybe we can talk about some other stuff, and I love what you said, though, pierre, about loving people and who Jesus was with and what his purpose was, and it was. Spreading God's love is what it was, and I think that that is the foremost and utmost thing that we need to do, and that's how we're gonna make this world a better place. If I'm gonna steal a phrase, there.
Speaker 2:Hey, that's my goal. Like I'm trying to get to heaven. I hope as many of you come with me as possible, but after any day, i'm all I can control me And I'm understanding the Bible. La, i understand it. And again, these were similar scenarios when it came to rules and laws. And Jesus is like, hey, you don't get it, and even mentioned again above all else. So that's what I'm doing. I'm doing above all else, cause that's what the Bible told me to do.
Speaker 1:And look, we may not get it either. I may not get it. I understand that I may not get it. I'm an open mind. I think about things, but you can tell I thought about these things. It's not just stuff that I'm rattling off here. I thought about this stuff. It perplexes me, it keeps me up at night. That's why we started this podcast, finding Faith and Losing Sleep podcast so we could talk about these things. And I know Pierre's still gonna talk to me after this. I know Michelle's still gonna talk to me after this. I know I have friends that I've asked to listen to this, who are homosexuals, and they're still gonna talk to me after this, because we've talked about these things And I'm still waiting for good answers that satisfy me, and so I'm putting it out there. If you have a good answer for me, by all means you can reach us at findingfaithpod over on Twitter, at findingfaithlosingsleep at gmailcom.
Speaker 2:I've come close to saying that right here, Before the email address it's just findingfaithlosingsleep at gmailcom. Yes.
Speaker 1:Or you can reach us over there on whatever listening platform you like to listen to us on, by giving us some ratings. there We ask that you give us five stars. We don't want you to lie, but if you got a lie, just no five stars. or whatever stars you want to, or however you rate those things I don't even know. I don't know that I've ever rated anything.
Speaker 2:But you can reach us over there. We're at five right now. So I mean thanks to, we're still at five. I think we got 140 ratings there.
Speaker 1:So that's, great.
Speaker 2:We reached what 5,000 downloads recently. So I mean just thanks to everyone that tunes in. Hopefully that continues as we continue to dive into some of these tough topics. But even if it doesn't, you know we're doing this for God and hoping to reach us some of you.
Speaker 1:But just adds up there on our program, but you can leave a comment. You can leave a comment over there as well. That's cool, though 5,000 is fine. So you can leave a comment over there as well. If you want to reach us And look, please, we're trying to say this stuff out of love. We ask that you'll try to do the same thing. But the thing we always ask everybody is you pray for us and we will pray for you. Thank you.