Finding Faith, Losing Sleep Podcast
While finding your faith is rewarding, it can also be difficult...especially when faced with the multitude of challenges in today's world. Join Pierre & Michelle Wilson along with co-host Wes Easley as they dive into their faith and the thoughts that keep them awake at night. Do you find yourself losing sleep while striving for peace? Join us as we have real conversation about life and the journey to finding faith.
Finding Faith, Losing Sleep Podcast
Episode 10: The Wrath of God
Pierre & Michelle Wilson with Wes Easley
Season 1
Episode 10
God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good. Many of us have heard that saying or those lyrics a time or two in our lives. However, what about the wrath of God? The Bible says, it exists. Wouldn't the wrath of God be at least...some of the time? Join us this episode as we discuss the topic of wrath, as well as share our thoughts on God in the Damar Hamlin situation.
Twitter: @FindingFaithPod